Life with Horses: No Way Out

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Horse ownership is almost like membership to a club, and once in, you cannot look back. Perhaps, at first, it's merely curiosity: that trail ride on holiday or your friend inviting you over to the barn. And the next thing you know, you're scouring horse classifieds and learning terms such as "farrier" and "saddle fitting." 

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The moment that first horse steps off the trailer and into your life, everything changes. Sleep-in weekends become history, and Sunday brunches are no longer an option but a chore to rise and shine and feed, clean stalls, and water buckets. Your whole wardrobe seems to have changed-muddy boots and torn jeans are standards now.  

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Vacations? Forget them. A horse owner's budget more often than not goes toward hay, vet bills, and the latest tack upgrades. But you don't complain; there's something fulfilling in seeing your horse happy and healthy. Even as your wallet hurts, your heart is full. 

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It's like being in the mafia; the more time that passes, the deeper horses pull you in. And when you even think about getting out, something pulls you right back in-perhaps the fresh smell of hay, or a horse nuzzling up and nickering a greeting. Maybe it's flying across an open field, wind in your face.

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And then, of course, there are those friendships along the way-not only among fellow horse lovers but even with the horses themselves, as they become close companions and one is able to share with them all one's joys and anxieties without reserve.  

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But despite all the trouble, most horse owners wouldn't change one bit. The bond you build with a horse is unparalleled, founded on trust and built through patience and countless moments shared. They teach you responsibility, compassion, and resiliency.  

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So if you're thinking about owning a horse, take this as fair warning: once you're in, you're in for life. And honestly, you won't want it any other way.

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