8 Ways Your Horse Expresses "I Love You"

#1 – Whinnying upon seeing you Does your horse whinny when they catch sight of you? It’s worth noting that there’s a distinction between a whinny and a neigh. A whinny is softer and gentler than a neigh, but if the sound seems more intense, it might indicate distress. In such cases, try to determine what’s bothering your horse and consult a vet if you’re uncertain about the issue.
#2 – Nuzzling you as if saying, “I’m here for you.” When a horse nuzzles you, it’s a clear sign that you’ve captured their affection. Some individuals may feel uneasy when a horse places its nose on their shoulder, breathes on them, or licks them, but these actions are typically expressions of fondness and shouldn’t cause concern.
#3 – Horse hugs Horses aren’t only for humans to display affection toward one another. Did you know that horses also engage in hugging? Just ensure you’re in the horse’s good graces before attempting a hug, and remember that if they start licking or breathing on you, it’s often because they value your presence.
#4 – Resting their head on your chest as if to say, “I’m glad you're here” This is one of our most cherished signs that a horse cares for you. If a horse rests its head on your chest, it generally signifies that they feel at ease with you and cherish your companionship.
#5 – Kisses Just like offering hugs, horses can also give kisses. There’s no reason to feel awkward when your equine companion begins kissing, licking, or breathing on you. These actions are usually gestures of affection and may indicate that you’ve won over your horse’s heart.
#6 – Trusting you to guide them past obstacles During horseback rides, there will be moments when you and your equine partner encounter an obstacle, whether it’s a stream or another type of barrier. Horses can become anxious in these scenarios. If your horse feels nervous, consider trying these 7 techniques to soothe a worried horse. When your horse genuinely trusts you, they can conquer their fear of obstacles with a bit of encouragement. If your horse relies on you to navigate challenges, chances are you’ve earned their devotion.
#7 – Sprinting to you when you call their name Does your horse come running when you call their name? If so, this likely indicates they have affection for you.
#8 – Standing at the gate as you depart - they’ll always be there, eagerly awaiting your return! It’s always touching when horses watch you leave. This behavior usually suggests they don’t want you to go and will miss you. Sure, it can be tough to part ways with a horse for the day, but rest assured, they’ll be waiting for you when you come back. How does your horse demonstrate their love for you? Share your stories with us in the comments section!

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